2010年4月13日 星期二

Dear John

Last week, I went to a movie with my friend.
The movie, 'Dear John,' is a nice film.
Yet, since I am not in any relationship with any man, I am not really touched by the story!
Maybr I should watch it again when I have a boyfriend.
Just joking!

Recently, I have been busy working part-time, preparing the presentation for English Poetry, filming videos for Oral Traning and doing the reports.
I feel like a superwoman for doing so many things without passing out.
Ich bin müde!

As I had to give a presentation last Wednesday for Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress, I did search some information. And I found this...

It is quite interesting.
Hope you enjoy watching it.

Furthermore, I watched a film called Mona Lisa at hom.
It is fantastic film, I would suggest.
It illudes that women are not necessarily to be caged by marriage, traditiona or family.
We could be as excellent as men!
We could have our own lives and thoughts!
Anyway, a great film!

I had started searching for the information for my final reports.
I am very certain that all the books about Kieslowski in the library had been borrwed by....me!
If you are looking for those books, you may come to me!

To sum up, I gotta say....
what a busy week!
Ich möchte Urlaub machen!

