2010年4月3日 星期六

About All the Articles I Read

This week, I read some paragraphs from The Name of the Rose. It is a story about religious murder. Actually, I think the story is a little bit boring for me since I have not much interest in religion except for Eastern Orthodox Church mentioned in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Nevertheless, I think the movie of that book is quite exciting though. On the other hand, I read DBC Pierre’s novel Vernon God Little. I love that story. It is kind of satire. It talks about shooting in American campus. As I remember that Columbine is the most unforgettable tragedy to people who live in Denver. There is a documentary called”Bowling for Columbine” which was discussing about why the tragedy would happen in America. I watched that documentary before and I think it could make people to question themselves and give us some different perspectives toward that event. I realized many things after watching it.
Moreover,I read a essay Freedom for Free?, which was written by my favorite writer, Mario Vargas Llosa. It mainly focuses on political turmoil in Latin America. The author mentioned that many intellectuals from North America or European would have stereotype toward political condition of Latin America. The author remarked that it is unequal and unsuitable for those intellectuals to say so because they don’t really understand their living and historical background. Suddenly, I come up with an idea that whether people in Taiwan totally understand their history or even position in the world’s situation? I am curious about it.

