2010年6月24日 星期四

Finally Final!

Thank God!
This semester finally comes to an end.
Oh~ My summer vacation is coming to me.
I am so looking forward to my summer since my friend is coming here from Paris!
Great! That would be interesting.

Still, it is hard to believe that I will be a junior after summer break.
Time flys!

This week, I saw a film called "Blind Chance" by Kieslowski.
It is aimed at depicting the theme of chances of destiny.
A very fantastic film.

Recently, I have been listening to a band called "Bloc Party."
A British band.
I lover their British accent.

I now start thinking about my plan for summer.
I will have vacation with my family as my dad has retired this year.
He used to be a police officer.

Have a great summer, my friends!

Deine Jin

