2010年5月21日 星期五

Days with Katerina Zourou

At the beginning, I would like to say that Katerina zourou is the most outgoing and energetic professor I have ever seen!
She is a friend of Dr. Meei-Ling Liaw and came to Taiwan for visit and delivering speeches.
For most of time, she stayed in Taichung. And I was the one who take her around to see this amazing city.
Here's the schedule foro her:
Schedule for Katerina’s visit

5/8 (Sat) Tour in Taichung
09:30 Have breakfast.
10:30 Head to bus station to 大甲.
12:00 大甲媽祖廟
18:00 Get back from 大甲.
20:00 Dinner at 希臘秘密旅行, Greek restaurant.
5/11 (Tue) Talk at NTCU
15:30 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
20:00 Dinner at restaurant in vicinity of the museum.
5/12 (Wed) Tour in Taichung
17:30 勤美誠品綠園道&市民廣場
20:00 Dinner at 春水堂.
5/13 (Thu) Talk at Providence at 10:00 A.M.
15:30 孔廟
17:00 一中街
20:00 Dinner at Micaela, Italian restaurant.
21:30 Go to a movie. (Perhaps!)
5/16 (Sun) Return to Taichung
A. 科博館→豐原廟東
B. 民俗公園→ 洲際盃棒球場
*It all depends when you would return from Taipei. If you are back early, it would be plan A.
5/17 (Mon) Tour in Taichung
09:30 Have breakfast.
10:30 Head to心之芳庭.
14:30 Lunch at restaurant in 心之芳庭.
18:00 Back to Taichung City.
*If Meei-Ling joins, we might go here by car. If not, I got my scooter.
Website: http://www.moncoeur.com.tw/

Still, we went to night market and other places that are interesting in Taichung. I have to admit that Taichung is such a amazing city!
I said to Katerina that she should come back this island again since we would have celebration on October 10th.

